It was probably a bad idea.
But the moment I saw you stroke your cock for me... saw it respond to my body... twitch at the words I said to you... I was captivated. Through hushed words we teased each other... the need for release building... but neither of us in a rush to get there...
I don't think I've ever been so aroused as when you had me lay back... watching your cock approaching me from above... thrusting towards me... making a show of how it wanted to fuck me.
We played longer than I'm used to... you may very well have the most gorgeous cock I've ever seen... and the most dangerous smile... and made made the most delicious mess when you came...
I've been wet all day thinking about you.
Monday, June 4, 2012
last night
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What I'm craving right now...
It’s a sleepy, winter morning. Not too cold, but cloudy, grey, and damp.
What I’m craving right now is you lying beside me in my bed. I love the faint scent of your skin beside me- that beautiful cocktail of your soap, the salt of your skin, and the faintest hint of last night’s cum. Although that’s probably mostly on me.
I’d begin to run my hand gently over your arm when I notice, like me, you’re in that state between sleeping in awake where you really can’t commit to either one. I slide my palm over your chest as I move closer to you, my head on your shoulder, my breasts pushed into your side, as I draw delicate, little circles with my fingers on your chest. You let out a sigh of approval, and turn to kiss me on the forehead. We remain like this for several minutes, holding each other. If we’re talking, we’re barely using words.
“Sleepy okay?”
“Mmm hmm”.
“This is nice”.
And so it goes.
But what I’m craving in my mind most of all this morning is the way you always, once you’re worked up enough, hold my hand. Taking it, kissing it, holding it against your chest, until you finally take control and slide my hand down your body, until, like a glove, you grasp your cock with my hand. Lingering there long enough to let me know exactly what you want. You push down your shorts just far enough down your hips so I have full access to everything you want me to touch.
Since our first time together, it always struck me how soft the skin of your cock feels, even when you’re intensely hard and thrusting into my mouth. I don’t even have to see it; I’d recognize the feeling of your cock in my hand anywhere.
I follow our typical, lazy morning routine.
At first, I simply rock my hand up and down the top of your shaft, feeling you, feeling your semi-hard shaft below my palm, enjoying hearing your breathing quicken with my head now resting on your chest. I then move the pads of my fingers further down, tracing the outline of your cock head. Running my fingers along the flared underside, followed by the gentle valley along the tip, before my fingers follow along down the underside of your cock towards your sack. We both laugh quietly when you jump as I tuck on your balls gently, taking them in my hand, holding them, as my thumb traces the seem in between.
I love mornings like this. Lazy. When I can explore your body leisurely. Taking pleasure in every reaction, twitch, and sound you make. Taking pleasure in how your skin feels against mine: every texture, ridge, hair… the spongy feel your cock takes when I grip it before it’s fully hard… all of this is mine and I couldn’t be more proud.
You’re definitely fully awake now. Your eyes are wide open looking down at me, your chest is rising and falling faster, and your hips twitch every time I change actions. Some mornings, especially if I’ve already showered for work and I’m simply waking you up to let you know I’m leaving soon, I’ll stroke you until you cum on your chest. But this morning we woke up together, a shower will come later, which leaves the possibilities endless.
Your fingers run through my hair as I explore your body with my fingers, now gripping your fully erect shaft in my hand. Stroking you, pulling you up against your stomach towards me. Flicking my thumb against your reddening cock head every so often, if only for the noise you make when you do it. But then I feel that familiar pressure and the crown of my head as you slowly push my head downward, toward your cock. Gentle enough to not break the mood, but firmly enough to leave no question of what you want.
I lick my tongue from the base of your cock, where it grows out from your abdomen, all the way along your shaft, tasting your hot skin as I lick towards the tip. When I reach the tip of your dick I take it into my mouth, sucking as I move my body now so I can kneel between your legs. I hear you moan as I’m now in the place you like me most, kneeling on the bed between your thighs, naked, exposed, and head down, sucking you. I move my left hand down to play with your sack as my right hand grips the base of your cock, stroking it, twisting it slightly, as I move my mouth up and down your cock, my tongue darting against it as I do. Knowing it wont be long now, your first round of the morning always goes by so quickly, I stroke you more tightly now, as I turn my head, and press my tongue against your balls. Licking, sucking, and fingering at your swollen sack. I relish in the sounds you make, forgetting your English, sighing my name, moaning. I can’t get enough of it. Your hips begin thrusting into my hand and you beg me for my mouth again. I happily oblige, although now my work, basically, is done.
I move my mouth over the tip of your cock again, tasting the first few drops of precum pooling there. God, I love your taste. I make sure to lock eyes with you as I sink my mouth over you; I know you get a thrill of watching the tip of your penis penetrate my soft lips. I take you as deep as I can, then retract. Your hands move onto my head again, guiding my movements, slowly at first, but I can feel you getting closer. I move my hands to your hips to brace myself as you slowly begin to thrust into my mouth. You always start slowly, taking long, but deep pushes into my mouth. But you almost always lose control at this point and I brace myself as you begin thrusting into my throat, fucking your cock into my mouth. We’ve never talked about it, but I’m still so self-conscious about what my mouth and throat do at this point- I blame the pornography industry for making this look effortless. But with experience, I’ve learned that you actually enjoy the things I’m still so shy about- the gagging noises as your cock pushes towards my throat, the slurping noises when I close my lips around you and suck. The tears that sometimes form in my eyes- not from pain, but just as a reflex from having my throat open like this. But then, on my end, all the discomfort leads to incredible excitement. And if that wasn’t enough, the way you yell out my name this point, without failure, turns me on so much that I can’t think of anything else.
Your thrusts grow faster, more urgent, and it isn’t long before I see your stomach clench, your face contort, and begin to taste the lovely and familiar taste of your cum flooding my mouth. I love the taste, and I love your smell- something between a salty, skin-like scent, and a hint of chlorine. You’ve laughed at me in the past when I remarked how your smell and taste “clean”, but I really can’t think of a better word to sum up your taste.
I close my lips around your cock as you thrust in those last few times, feeling the ropes of your cum hit the back of my throat as I swallow them down. I keep my mouth wrapped around you until you tell me you’ve had enough. I lick my lips clean and then crawl back against you, resting my head on your chest, hearing your heartbeat slowly calming. Reaching down to feel your cock softening, growing sensitive and ticklish to my touch, before resting my hand on your stomach as we both drift back into sleep.
This is what I’m craving this morning, more than anything.