I haven't forgotten you.
In fact, I have a few things in the works for you.
First, and by first I mean the first thing I will mention, and perhaps, when it's posted, a first for the sex blogger genre (or maybe not, I'm a narcissist, forgive me), will be a tribute piece.
A major factor in my lack of posts was that there was someone of significance in my life. I try not to divulge too much of my personal life into this, I want to be what you imagine me to be, but I feel that I owe you a little bit of an explanation for my lack of posts, and to all of you kind enough to email me, an explanation for not checking my inbox regularly. Infatuation and love are powerful drugs, and to those of you who have been lucky enough to experience both at once, I'm sure you can understand if I was a little... distracted.
I'm very sad to say that I no longer have this person in my life. Although these words feel like a sick work of fiction as I write them, the truth is he was killed in accident a while ago. He meant the world to me and I will miss him dearly. I'm still recovering from the shock of the news, so the projects for this blog are in the works, I promise, but it's taking me some time.
But yes a tribute piece. At least I'm thinking about it. The rational person in me thinks it's incredibly inappropriate, even wrong and disrespectful. The passionate part of me can't think of a better way to express my love through a post here, a place he never knew about. One last act of intimacy. Perhaps I'll follow the theme of 'hidden in plain sight'... I may or may not tell you which post is the tribute piece.
Second, is a project I've been planning for a while now, and it will likely be the next "explicit" post on my blog. I will be writing a small series (maybe around 3-5 posts) entitled Vegas. It will follow the same style as most of my sex stories, but you will play the part of the voyeur on a trip I take... following me through the difference places and, er, faces, I experience. I'm quite excited about this one actually, and I think you'll find some enjoyment it it as well.
I'd like to thank you all for your patience, and to those of you who emailed me, a lot of thanks for providing feedback. It's hard to get an accurate idea of how many people read my blog- probably not a lot judging from the comments- but to those of you who do, I am very grateful.
Soon, very soon.
13 years ago
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